Virtual Office and Corporate Identity
for Michael Medovshikov

Client’s Situation

Michael is a widely experienced in commercial law and civil rights lawyer. He uses modern technologies in his work and often consults his clients online. Having a good functional website is essential for Michael as he is looking for new clients mostly online.

Our Goal

Our first aim is to create the original Signature Style for Michael and then build a professional website that sells his legal services to the potential clients.

“We chose a Virtual Office option for Michael: it is a functional, very convenient website, and it takes only 10 days to create. Before we started building a website, we worked on developing a Corporate Identity for him”.
Анна Засухина

Anna Zasuhina
Project Manager

Logo —
We offer 3 Logos to choose from


Business card and Letter Head —
3 sets of design to choose from

When our client is ready to make a decision, we give him an opportunity to make a choice one more time.


We provide an Instruction Booklet that includes information on how to use your Corporate Identity.

The User Guide is a set of instructions on how to use the visual identifications of your brand in the best way. It will help you control the use of your brand, choose your logo sizes, colours, fonts, and any other visual elements that are part of your Corporate Identity. It will help you create a professional image of your company.

A4 Landscape Booklet Mockup - Free Version
Oder my Corporate Identity Now

You will receive 4 templates in a universal format, internationally accepted by all publishing houses.

Virtual Office —
Ready-Made Website just in 10 days!

Our second step is to create a website that really sells legal services. First we design 3 pages:  Main, About, and the Services We Offer. All other pages are following the same template. It speeds up the process of building as well as preserves the quality of design.


Increasing the website traffic – optimization

Your site can’t work to its full potential without optimization, that’s why we tune your site for Yandex Direct and Avito Promo. These advertising facilities help to attract more traffic to your site.

ya_icon avito_icon

Michael Medovshikov received  —
everything that he needed for his practice!




Business Cards


Letter Heads


Corporate Identity guideline


Virtual Law Office


Ready-made advertising campaigns


Website ownership agreement


User Manual how to use his new site

© All Rights Reserved, Legal Marketing Lab of Dmitriy Zasukhin, 2015